

lilingtienmu-A Corner of Light,Art Residence


Listen to the melodious and tranquil sounds of art as it knocks at life. The square boxes of strong and light colors are combined into the spacious home. The space is as open as the heart, embodying the particularity about fashion and luxury. It’s so relaxing to wander about the sunlight and mountain view with the cats.

台灣,台北 / 51坪 / 力麒建設

從玄關至客廳電視牆,義大利Crema d'Orcia/CNC淺白大理石不停綿延,凹凸紋理細緻,成為步入核心領域的序幕光影。電視牆局部選砌玻璃磚,透映主臥模糊身影,同時襯映磺溪河畔的波粼昀瀠。

The Italian white marble, Crema d'Orcia/CNC, extends from the entrance to the TV wall in the living room. The exquisite sculptural texture becomes the light and shadow prelude to the core area. Part of the TV wall is made with glass bricks to faintly reflect the master bedroom and the sparkling ripples of Sulfur Creek at the same time.


The dark black mirror surface together with the sculptural marble wall defines the entrance. Paved with dark quartz tiles, it leads to the interior space. The mountain view of the city can be seen through the L-shaped French windows. The couch in front of the window is where the owner can relax and the pet cats can enjoy the view. Look afar, and soothe the heart.


The residence is like two square boxes with distinct strong and light colors. The living room and dining room are filled with light colors. The beige-painted ceiling brings calmness. The light-colored quartz floor adds a sense of tranquility and leisure. The low-back sofa and lounge chair are adorned with the carpet full of modern art elements, with the greenness outside the window as the background. At the other end of the square box is the “Angel Star” marble display wall. The stone has the unique crystal texture. In the center of the titanium-plated shelf, the artistic flower vessel in the shape of a flower bud combined with the beautiful lines of blossoming petals depicts the ultimate craftsmanship of both luxury and fashion.


In the kitchen, the colored quartz tiles and dark wood-colored ceiling frame the dark square box of the open area. The dark slate kitchen island can be used as the light meal bar. The leather pendant light echoes the vertical and horizontal structural design and creates the three-dimensional end view. On the functional countertop of the rear cabinets, all kinds of kitchen appliances are neatly arranged. The collection of well-known fashionable tableware is placed in the custom-made display cabinet to add texture to the square box with deep charm.


In the master bedroom, the glass bricks extend and reflect light on the art paint of the simple and calm textures. The headboard is built with skillful craftsmanship into a curved wall to cover the bed from a smooth angle. The combination of the arc style, indirect light, and the clear design pendant light at the bed head creates a comfortable resting area.

床頭側邊,延續清玻璃引光的設計巧思,將視覺帶入主臥衛浴。洗手檯面選用紋路富含戲劇張力的萬寶龍大理石,潑墨力度狂野,善用油畫質感的貝殼磁磚加以修飾,銜接精品質感更衣間,創造以藝術質地寵愛自己的私密Me Time。

The side of the bed head visually extends the design ingenuity of lighting through clear glass to the master bathroom. The Mont Blanc marble rich in dramatic lines is selected for the countertop of the washbasin. The wild splashed ink is well decorated by the shell tiles with oil painting textures. Together with the boutique quality walk-in closet, this is a private Me Time space created with artistry to love yourself.


In the guest bathroom, the Chang-e marble with the white background and ink lines is selected. The flowing ink lines are combined with the mineral wall with the black background and golden lines. Under the moon-like light of modern design, a scene of neither fantasy nor reality is presented. Everything in daily life can be free imagination.


From the perspective of the cats, there is a house-shaped cat hole hidden under the shoe stool at the entrance. The cats can step into the laundry room full of sunlight. Considering the rainy and humid climate of Taiwan, this is both the daily space for the female owner to wash and dry clothes and the working area to deal with packaging materials. Equipped with the shower room and sink, it has also become her exclusive cat salon to wash and pamper the five cats in an orderly and calm way.


In daily life, sometimes the Silhouette window shades in the living room are pulled down and the wood blinds in the dining room are closed to temporarily screen out the visually compact geometric stacking, return to the lightness and calmness of the residence, and find the easiness and leisure in life.


Listen to the inner reality. The literary and fashionable atmosphere prevails with the veins of luxurious minerals, looking both strong and light and lingering between tranquility and ink charm. The crystal wall like flowers in full bloom reflects the natural atmosphere favored in the heart and the purity of the mountain view of the city. Besides, through the delicacy and leisure neatly depicted with modern brushstrokes, exquisite art can be found everywhere in daily life.